Information for students of the School of Economics and management - distance learning
Student reception
Students can contact the teachers by email (emails available on Penelope). The teachers, particularly those with courses in the 2nd semester, can also indicate (through news on web pages of the School and Course of Studies, or through the channels listed below) other remote reception methods (chats, appointments by videoconference).
Active courses and workshops (2nd semester)
Within the folder “School Economics and Management” in the shared folder of G.Drive of the University (which students access with their university login), students will find the teaching folders (hereinafter the term teachings also covers laboratories etc.)
The environment has three levels:
1) (above) School of Economics and Management folder;
2) Courses of Studies folders and general communication files;
3) (sub) Folders of teachings.
The distribution criteria of the teaching folders are the following:
a) Every Course of Studies folder contains the folders of most part of the teachings of the same Course.
b) The teachings shared between “Economia Aziendale” and “Economia e Commercio” are included within a special folder called " Economia aziendale-Economia e commercio corsi comuni ".
c) Some other teachings are imparted for more than one Course of Studies of the School; in this case the folder of the teaching is located in the folder of the Course of Studies where the teaching is nested ("attivato").
d) Teachings that are nested in Courses of Studies of other Schools do not have a folder within our environment; if they are activated within the Schools of Law or Political Sciences, students of our School can directly access those folders; if they are activated in other Schools, students must report the problem to the teacher.
Students who have problems locating a teaching within the folders can check on Penelope in which Course of Study the teaching is nested and then find the teaching on the specific folder.
Teachers, with a teaching in the 2nd semester, inform students about the remote teaching method that they have adopted with a document in the above mentioned teaching folder on G.Drive.
In order to know how to access and download the files from G.Drive, please refer to the University page dedicated to distance learning.
This page is frequently updated with guides and tutorials.
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